Quick SEO Tips to Boost Your Search Engine Visibility

Why is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) so important?

Content Search Engine Optimization improves your site’s visibility in search engines, making it easier for customers to find your products and services. Technical and content optimization are two aspects of your site’s search engine optimization. Technical issues are separate and require specialised skills, but content optimization can significantly increase search engine visibility. Here are some quick SEO tips to get you started with optimization practices.

Add metadata on each page

Having metadata placed on each page is a good idea. There may be many things to fix on your webpages which include missing metadata, general descriptive information about the business that has been snapped up on all pages. Each page on your site should have its own brief description or synopsis of what it includes. Metadata is the text that appears beneath the clickable title in search results. If you don’t provide a meta description, Google will try to guess the page’s content and will often cut off the most important part of the text.

Add metadata on each webpage
Add metadata on each web page

So write the meta description in a way that the reader can understand, that tells them precisely what they can expect to read on the page, and that entices them to click. The ideal meta description length is between 150 and 160 characters.

Don’t make promises you can’t keep, because if the content doesn’t match the description, the visitor will leave soon, possibly increasing the bounce rate.

For writing metadata for your webpages, there are quite a number of plugins available; for example, I recommend the Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress sites. This plugin makes SEO for your content an easy task. You simply fill in the required information in their respective fields, and the plugin will remind you to include SEO titles, targeted keywords, out-bound links, and, if needed, redirects to additional articles on how to improve your SEO.

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Use ‘Alt text’ and give your images proper names

Use keywords in the text, i.e. the words you want the page to be found with, while naming the images linked to the content and topic of the page. If the image contains shoes and the page is about indoor shoes and their features, name the image “quality-indoor-women-shoes.jpg,”, for example.

Use Alt text and give your images proper filenames
Use ‘Alt text’ and give your images proper filenames

Images must have “alt text” (also known as “alternative text”). This text serves as an alternative to the image, which is intended for visually impaired readers. The reader benefits from well-written Alt text since it verbally describes the image’s content. When it comes to content SEO for accessibility, it’s one of the most essential factors to consider. If the images do not load properly in the browsers, the alt text appears to be helpful to the visitor. In such cases, the text will be visible to the visitors describing the content of the images.

A good Alt text is concise and descriptive, and it links to the page’s content. Including a keyword in your alt text is also an excellent idea.

Also, keep in mind that your web page images can also rank in Google Image Search, increasing the overall visibility of your website.

Write enough content for your webpages

The problem with many websites is that there isn’t enough textual content. For example, important information may have been put in an image. But Google, on the other hand, does prefer text as content, therefore writing content on pages as text is always a smart idea.

Pages with enough content, even distribution of text and subheadings, and appropriate sentences are valued by Google.

The amount of text on a website is compared to the amount of HTML code by search engines. If the text makes up less than 10% of the HTML, problems arise. In any case, search engines prefer pages with more relevant content.

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Add content which is relevant

Keep in mind that the content on your pages should be relevant. The content should accurately describe the services or products you are trying to market. Remember that your website should contain the solutions to the questions that your visitors may have. You should write about the features of your services that visitors are most likely to Google. They want to know where and how they can get it.

Optimize your textual content based on keyword research

It’s a good idea to keep keywords in mind when creating content. Keywords or key phrases are terms that are typed into search engines to find a service, product, or website, and the search results should be relevant to the keywords’ intent. Keyword research can be performed to identify relevant words for a business and analyse their search engine presence. Visitors who are genuinely interested in your topic will visit your site if you use a relevant keyword.

Optimize your textual content based on keyword research
Optimize your textual content based on keyword research

When optimising your content, you should use the keywords you pick in the title and the opening paragraphs of your text. When a term or word is mentioned right at the top of a page, Google is more likely to recognise that it is important for that page. Keywords should also be included in internal links, urls, and captions. It’s a good idea to repeat keywords in your text a few times, but not too many times, as overuse will be penalised. It takes a lot of skill to write textual content for both search engines and people.

Where to start?

SEO is a long-term job, and whenever adding new content to your pages or developing a brand new website for your business, you should keep in mind the optimization gimmicks offered by many SEO agencies. Of course, everything always starts with goals. You can also get optimised content by recruiting professionals if you don’t have the resources or time. A Site Audit is also a great way to get started, as it helps you identify the SEO-related issues on your website.

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